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Barter for your massage

Recently I have been taking a closer look at consumption. I am taking steps to being more mindful about how what I consume effects the environment and the people who make those products.

I am doing this in my daily life by choosing to buy fair trade or second hand clothing, being mindful about the food I buy and growing my own where possible (which is VERY difficult when you live in a 1 bed apartment so at the moment i just have some kitchen herbs!)

Today I had the idea that I can bring this same idea into my business life too, by trading massage for secondhand items, locally grown food, art, etc. I have been noting down a list of items that I dont desperately need but would like to have, so that when i get a little extra cash I might splurge and buy an item from the list. Then I realised that although new items are great if I am being mindful about consumption then it would be better if I can get these things second hand or direct from the source.

So if all goes to plan the idea is to have one day a month where I offer massage as a trade for some items that might be on my list, which I will update monthly via my facebook page. I would also like to open up the barter to other items that may not be on the list so if you have something to trade(food, art, tools, etc) shoot me an email and we will commence with the bartering.

To keep up to date on my barter days keep an eye out on my facebook page

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